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Hi there,

Thank you for your interest in hiring our props.
There are a couple of different ways to proceed from here.

  1. Give me a call / email & let’s discuss what you’d like to achieve.

  2. Or “add to cart” the props you wish to hire so you can create an Order Summary. We’re not set up for payments online. Once you’ve finished, click on Shopping cart & take a screenshot of the cart. Don’t Checkout - as we need some more information. Email me a screen shot of your cart & I’ll be in touch with a customised quote.

    The quote will include prep / de-prep of the props; delivery & pick up so be sure to include the location for delivery & dates of hire. We aim to come back to you with a detailed quote within 24 hours (business days).

    nb. We have a minimum order total of $350.00 + GST.
    All prices are NZD & GST exc. GST = 15%.
    All props are subject to availability.

Chat soon.

Natalie - 027 234 9053 |